The patient, coming from Brazil, was operated on at the Hospital La Luz, of Quirónsalud group in Madrid, by doctors Andrés Varela and Sergio Amor, from Cirugía Torácica Avanzada team.
More and more adult patients are being operated on with the Pectus Up technique, thereby proving that the surgical indication can be extended to a larger group of patients when rigorously performed.
The Pectus Up, developed by Ventura Medical Technologies, is a minimally invasive method, so Dr. Varela and his entire team, highly specialized in the latest thoracic surgery techniques, prioritize it as a treatment for their patients affected by Pectus Excavatum.
Dr. Andrés Varela is head of service both of this team and the Thoracic Surgery Service of Hospital Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda. Dr. Sergio Amor is a specialist in thoracic surgery and practices at the University Hospital Quirónsalud of Madrid and at Hospital Quirónsalud San Camilo. Dr. Javier Moradiellos is associate chief of this team.
Cirugía Torácica Avanzada is a group of thoracic surgeons specialized in minimally invasive surgery, all of them prestigious professionals trained in highly specialized national and international centers.
Minimally invasive techniques in thoracic surgery, including the Pectus Up, make it possible to deliver the same results but with less pain, less blood loss and a much faster recovery.
The surgery took place on 17 December at the Hospital La Luz, belonging to the Quirónsalud Group, one of the most advanced and best equipped clinical hospitals in Europe, as well as the largest private healthcare center in Madrid. With the addition this hospital, there are already three hospital centers in Madrid where the Pectus Up technique is practiced.