Biomedysis Colombia and Ventura Medical Technologies collaborate in the XXI Colombian Congress of Pediatric Surgery to be held in Bogotá during the days 25 to September 28, where Dr. Manuel Lopez will introduce the Pectus Up, extrathoracic implant developed by Ventura Medical Technologies .
In October 2017, doctors Fernando Fierro Ávila, pediatric surgeon, and Carlos Alberto Rodríguez Sabogal, thoracic surgeon, took part in a training workshop in Pectus Up, ??the new extrathoracic surgical technique for the Pectus Excavavtum, which was organized by Ventura Medical Technologies and held in Barcelona.
The training was given by Dr. Laureano Molins, Head of the Thoracic Surgery Service of Hospital Clínic and Hospital Sagrat Cor, who is carrying out a process of training in the technique of Pectus Up to several surgeons interested in this new extrathoracic method to correct the Pectus Excavatum. The workshop was also attended by Dr. Bernardo Núñez Garcia, coordinator of the Pediatric Surgery Service of the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell.
After the training process, Fierro and Rodríguez have performed several surgeries in different hospitals in Bogota thus contributing to the preparation of many Colombian surgeons interested in the innovative method of Pectus Up. Together with Biomedysis Colombia, distributor of Ventura Medical Technologies products there, they have organized some training workshops in different Colombian cities.
In addition, this time Dr. Fernando Fierro is part of the Research Committee of the congress, along with doctors Abraham Chams Anturi, Oscar Salazar and Pedro Villamizar Beltrán.
The event will be chaired by Dr. Iván Darío Molina Ramírez, current President of the Colombian Society of Pediatric Surgery, and will be attended by national, South American, Central American and Caribbean pediatric surgeons, as well as international surgeon experts.
The congress will host an important academic activity and surgical education focused on the interdisciplinary management that should be given to pediatric patients with surgical pathologies, so it will be attended by pediatricians, general practitioners, nurses and surgical instrumentalists, as well as undergraduate and graduate students.
The event is the scenario where on Friday, September 28, Dr. Manuel López Paredes, expert surgeon in the surgical treatment of thoracic deformities, will hold a Pectus Up workshop with theoretical presentations, a round table, a practical workshop on animal material and a live surgery, to promote the discussion on the technique and the advance that this represents in the management of pediatric surgical pathology.