Did you know that if you live in Colombia you can have Pectus Up ® surgery in both public and private hospitals?

That’s right, the Colombian Health System offers patients with Pectus Excavatum the possibility to undergo Pectus Up surgery through the so-called EPS in most cases with coverage throughout the national territory.

The EPS are Health Promoting Entities and can be of Contributory Regime (workers) or Subsidized Regime (vulnerable population). For both cases, the Colombian Compulsory Health Plan offers universal population coverage and covers all the costs of the procedures that are included, such as the Pectus Excavatum intervention with the minimally invasive surgical technique Pectus Up.

In order to be treated by the Colombian Health System, citizens must be affiliated to an EPS so that these entities, public or private, represent them and respond for their needs. Affiliation to an EPS does not represent any cost for the affiliate. Therefore, all EPS affiliates in Colombia who suffer from Pectus Excavatum, also called sunken chest, can benefit from the innovative surgical technique Pectus Up New Generation, the definitive corrective solution designed to provide a solution for both young and adult patients with different degrees of asymmetry. The procedure can be performed by both public and private insurance companies.

The patient who is only affiliated to an EPS must first visit a general practitioner to obtain a basic assessment of the malformation in his specific case and be directed to a specialist to make a more accurate assessment and define the appropriate treatment for his situation. This patient will be able to choose a hospital within the EPS network to undergo surgery.

If the patient also has a private complementary health insurance, he/she may request a direct appointment with the Colombian specialist. In this first visit, a thoracic or pediatric surgeon will attend the patient, depending on the patient’s age, whose medical diagnosis will offer the possibility of accessing more options to private hospitals with more advanced technology and better care.


Do you want our specialists to analyze your case? Contact us and we will personally answer all your questions.

